Joseph Holt backs Long Live The Local campaign
Joseph Holt was involved in the successful UK wide campaign to freeze duty in November 2017, our sincere thanks to you all for helping with this. However, in March 2018, the government increased beer duty by 2p which has prompted The British Beer Alliance to launch Long Live The Local campaign.
Long Live The Local – What is it?
The British Beer Alliance have responded by launching a campaign to not only freeze beer duty but also lobby the government to DECREASE beer duty in the November 2018 budget. If successful, we will always pass this decrease onto our customers.
How would a beer duty increase affect Joseph Holt?
Did you know in the last 10 years beer duty has increased by 39%; a phenomenal amount. When beer duty goes up, volumes go down as people drink less. Put simply we are forced to increase the cost of our award-winning beers (Crystal, Bitter, Diamond, Two Hoots etc.)
How can you get involved?
We want you to celebrate all that is special and unique about our pubs. Joseph Holt is at the heart of many communities and we must celebrate the importance of this. All of our Joseph Holt pubs will proudly support ‘Long Live the Local’ and we hope our customers will too!
You can support Long Live The Local by visiting https://www.longlivethelocal.pub/ to sign the campaign’s petition to protect our pubs and the fantastic beers we brew (this will take a maximum of 60 seconds). Once you have signed the petition it will give you an option to send a letter to your MP. Please can I ask you to also send this letter, as we know emailing MPs about this really does make a difference.
Please feel free to send the link to your family, friends and more importantly your customers if you run your own pub.
Key campaign information:
- The brewing and pub industry employees nearly 1 million people in the UK
- The pub is part of our national identity – as is cask beer (which is virtually unique to Britain)
- Nearly 1 in 3 pounds spent in the pub goes to the taxman (Beer Duty, VAT and Business Rates)
- 3 pubs a day close their doors for good
This campaign is crucial to ensure the survival of local pubs. You may think I don’t need to sign the petition or that someone else will do it but if everyone had that mentality no one would sign it. Joseph Holt is proud to brew fantastic beers and we want to ensure that passion, love for beer and crucially pubs remain at the heart of our communities.
You can also sign the petition from our Long Live The Local campaign page here.